Encourage our students and future leaders by becoming a group mentor! Support middle or high school students in small groups during after-school meetings. Engage with students through through activities and discussions using curriculum based on developing life skills for student success prepared by P4K staff. Mentors meet with students from 3:30 - 5 pm, twice a month.
P4K serves a diverse group of students from the following schools:
Middle Schools: Lewis and Clark, McMillan, Monroe, Norris, RM Marrs Magnet
High Schools: Central, Benson, North and South.
Need to know
The P4K Recruitment Team will follow up with an email containing background check information that will need to be completed before being officially accepted to volunteer. Recruitment will also confirm times and dates of your availability and discuss preferences before receiving your school assignment.
Children & Youth
Community & Neighborhood
Education & Literacy
Active Listening
Group Facilitation
High School Mentoring
Life Skills
Middle School Mentoring
Relationship Building
Youth Development
Youth Program
Youth Services
Part of
Encourage our students and future leaders by becoming a group mentor! Support middle or high school students in small groups during after-school meetings. Engage with students through through activities and discussions using curriculum based on developing life skills for student success prepared by P4K staff. Mentors meet with students from 3:30 - 5 pm, twice a month.
P4K serves a diverse group of students from the following schools:
Middle Schools: Lewis and Clark, McMillan, Monroe, Norris, RM Marrs Magnet
High Schools: Central, Benson, North and South.
Need to know
The P4K Recruitment Team will follow up with an email containing background check information that will need to be completed before being officially accepted to volunteer. Recruitment will also confirm times and dates of your availability and discuss preferences before receiving your school assignment.
Children & Youth
Community & Neighborhood
Education & Literacy
Active Listening
Group Facilitation
High School Mentoring
Life Skills
Middle School Mentoring
Relationship Building
Youth Development
Youth Program
Youth Services